01 December 2011

On anticipation...

Two days of the week I drive myself into work, instead of riding a van.  The last few weeks it has been colder so I've walked through other buildings on the way to my office.   One of the buildings I can walk through has a Mesozoic Garden in it.  It is an amazing contrast.  Inside, it is warm, moist, and full of plant life.  Large ficus trees provide a shade canopy to computer kiosks.  Outside, it is cold and dry.  Most plants have died or gone dormant for winter.

I enjoy winter.  I don't enjoy the cold nor do I participate in any winter activities other than snow shoveling and occasional sledding excursion with my children.  I enjoy winter because after winter comes spring.  With spring comes rebirth.  The plants come out of dormancy and life returns to the world.

May we wait and watch for the Lord as we celebrate his coming into the world and bringing us to new life.